The shrinking optimism — The National Federation of Independent Business — Small Business Optimism Index has dipped over the past three months, hitting its lowest point since late 2012. This suggests a generally downbeat outlook.
Hiring Plans Cooling — a particularly interesting detail is the recent decline in the survey’s measure of planned hiring. Historically, changes in this measure have closely mirrored changes in actual job growth.
– As there are two ways to view this:
• Pessimistic View: The low number of small businesses expecting to hire (excluding the pandemic’s initial shock) could signal a slowdown in future job growth.
• Optimistic View: While the hiring measure is low, it’s still historically decent, suggesting a potential cooling, but not a collapse, in job growth.
But to our view we shouldn’t rely solely on the NFIB data as a predictor of job growth. And mainly;
1) The historical correlation between the NFIB hiring measure and actual job growth has been inconsistent. Historically, changes in hiring plans have aligned with actual hiring, but this hasn’t been true since the pandemic.
2) The recent gap between hiring plans and sales expectations is unusual during a strong growth period.
3) These discrepancies might be related to the recent surge in business startups following the pandemic. We know from other data that new business establishment has risen significantly.
However, our research suggests this new business formation has contributed to high job openings for small businesses, compared to pre pandemic levels. Importantly, these high openings are in the segment with the most NFIB members (companies with less than 10 employees).
The NFIB survey might be reflecting increased competition for talent from these new entrants. Existing businesses could be experiencing muted sales growth expectations while simultaneously facing hiring competition, leading to higher job openings.
If these new firms are underrepresented in the NFIB data, actual hiring might be higher than hiring plans suggest…
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